The Vapor Shoppe of Novi | Vape Shop in Novi, MI 48377

The Vapor Shoppe of Novi

The Vapor Shoppe Novi – your premier destination for vaping enthusiasts in the bustling city of Novi, Michigan. Situated in the heart of our vibrant community, our store is a sanctuary for those who demand the finest in vape, smoke, and alternative lifestyle products. We are dedicated to bringing you an unparalleled selection that caters to every preference, from the seasoned aficionado to the curious newcomer exploring the world of vaping for the first time.

As soon as you step into The Vapor Shoppe Novi, you'll be enveloped in a welcoming atmosphere, where a team of friendly, knowledgeable staff awaits. These passionate individuals are not just employees; they are enthusiasts and advocates for the vaping lifestyle, ready to assist you with expert advice, recommendations, and insights. Whether you're looking to make your first purchase or seeking the latest in vaping technology and flavors, our team is here to guide you through our comprehensive selection with personalized service.

Our Novi location is thoughtfully designed to ensure a shopping experience that is both enjoyable and informative. The store boasts a sleek, modern interior where customers can freely explore an extensive range of products. From the latest innovations in vape devices and an assortment of exquisite e-liquids to premium smoking accessories and cutting-edge alternative offerings, we prioritize quality and diversity, continuously updating our inventory to include the newest and best products on the market.

Store Information


Monday - 9:00am - 10:00 PM

Tuesday - 9:00am - 10:00 PM

Wednesday - 9:00am - 10:00 PM

Thursday - 9:00am - 10:00 PM

Friday - 9:00am - 10:00 PM

Saturday - 9:00am - 10:00 PM

Sunday - 11:00am - 8:00pm

Address: 42159 W 14 Mile Rd Novi MI 48377

Phone Number: (248) 859-4155

Store Photos